Runs GREEN model calibration
- catch_data
data frame. Definition of the topological sequence of catchments.
- annual_data
data frame. Sources of nutrient for each year and catchments.
- n_iter
numeric. Number of iterations for the calibration process.
- low
numeric. Lower bounds of the calibration parameters.
- upp
numeric. Upper bounds of the calibration parameters.
- years
integer. Years to be used in the calibration. For sequences use c(yearini:yearend).
# \donttest{
# the data of the TN scenario
# the parameter for the calibration of the model
n_iter <- 2 # number of iterations
# the lower limits for all params (alpha_P, alpha_L, sd_coef)
low <- c(10, 0.000, 0.1)
# the upper limits for all params (alpha_P, alpha_L, sd_coef)
upp <- c(70, 0.3, 0.9)
# years in which the model should be executed
years <- 1990:2018
# execution of the calibration
dF_calib <- calib_green(catch_data_TN, annual_data_TN, n_iter, low, upp,
#> [1] "Elapsed time: 6.99000000000001"
# }